Un popurrí de diálogos internos para vivir con más calma y menos rush. Con más awareness y menos en automático.
Notes to self colectivas. An ode to the balancing act that is life, and to all that feeds the soul.
Un mix de los favores que me hice, que me hago y de los aprendizajes varios. Todo mientras abrazamos la humanidad y la imperfección, en Spanglish.
Tenía 23 años y vivía en Nueva York.
La vida era una combinación de clases, pasantías y el disfrute total del tesoro que es esta ciudad.
Un año antes, había encontrado un programa de maestría de 12 meses, que me daba la oportunidad de...
Behind every successful trip, there is a person with an MS Excel itinerary to the minute, worthy of Monica Geller's approval. This is the story of such a trip, and such an itinerary (Monica, we made you proud).
Napa Valley is an American Viticultural Area located in...
The Stepmother Stigma
I rarely refer to myself as the stepmother, nor to RB (my son by association) as my stepson, although both terms are accurate. And I think it has to do with the generally negative stereotype associated with this figure. For example, what’s the first image that comes to...
Staring at the screen in front of us, my husband grabbed my arm 30 seconds before the doctor said: “There’s no heartbeat.”
He already knew.
I’ll always remember those words; how they stabbed my soul and jolted me into an inconsolable state of loud gasps and...
I was 23 and living in New York.
And life was a combination of marketing classes, PR internships, and the pure enjoyment of the treasure that is NYC. I’d managed to find a one-year master’s program that would allow me to start in Rome and finish in New York. Dream. Come. True.